Under kontroll

Malin Lobell


Can plants become political? A set of seed bags contain both instructions for flower graffiti, and brings to attention gene modified plants that expose land mines.

For her solo show at Gallery Box, Malin Lobell exhibits methods for different green interventions in public space. Through her work Flytta skog, Tagging with liquid manure, I have a plan(t), Take a walk with the park, she exhorts the gallery audience to become active in the city sphere. By inviting the viewer to participate and execute a series of actions she creates a dialog concerning art, public space and the role plants play in our environment. Central for Lobell´s poetic, conceptual and critical approach is the participatory perspective, human´s relation to nature and the importance of plants.

The title of the exhibition Under Control by Malin Lobell, refers to what we cannot control; invasive plants that hog and become inconvenient as well as addressing what kind of plants that are allowed to grow where in the city sphere and in gardens, which is also highlighted in her work De har ett namn and the series Äbara ogräs.

During the summer, Malin´s work Matsoldater will give shape to the plantation Täppan i beredskap at the Armymuseum in Stockholm.

Malin Lobell is educated at Valand School of Fine Arts in Göteborg. Also visible in her artistic practice today is her studies in Plant Knowledge and Graphic Design. She participated in founding the new network, Stadsodling Stockholm and is one of the initiators to the platform ArtAgent, which aims at strengthening participatory, self-organised and situation-specific art. Her book Att ställa ut i någon annans huvud- om dialog och konstnärliga processer was published by ArtAgentPress, Jan 2013.




Opening Reception on Saturday May 11th, at noon until 4PM.