Minimal Histories – Historias mínimas

Visning av spansk videokonst på Galleri Box i samarbete med Instituto Cervantes
24 september kl. 19.00

I år firar bokmässan sitt 25-årsjubileum med att sätta Spanien och spanskan i fokus. I samband med detta visas nio spanska videoverk på Galleri Box. “Historias mínimas” är ett urval videoverk som utställningscurator Montse Badia från Barcelona har gjort för Instituto Cervantes. Det är en lek med tanken att det berättade består av lika delar sanning och lögn och att vårt förhållande till historien är subjektivt. Montse Badia finns på plats och visar videoverken och berättar om situationen för videokonst i Spanien och dess internationalisering.

Montse Badias presentation är på engelska och visningen varar i cirka 1 timma och 15 minuter .

Montse Badia arbetar som konsthistoriker, konstkritiker och curator. Badia har även bidragit i publikationer såsom Transversal, arts.zin, Untitled (London), NU: The Nordic Art Review (Stockholm) och Tema Celeste (Milano). Hon har curaterat utställningar vid De Appel Foundation i Amsterdam, Apex Art i New York, Künstlerhaus Bethanien i Berlin, Joan Miró Foundation och ”la Caixa” Foundation i Barcelona.

Instituto Cervantes är en icke vinstdrivande organisation som grundades 1991 av spanska staten i syfte att främja det spanska språket samt spansk och latinamerikansk kultur runt om i världen. Arbetet leds av en styrelse bestående av ett trettiotal representanter från den spanska och latinamerikanska kultur- och litteraturvärlden. Instituto Cervantes i Stockholm samarbetar med universitet, museer, gallerier, teaterhus, förlag och andra kulturinstitutioner såväl i Sverige som i Spanien och Latinamerika.


RAÚL ARROYO I Pass by Here Every Day (Cada día paso por aquí)

8 min 30 sek, 2004

Arroyo brings us on an everyday, urban walk, narrated in first person and using badges, posters and other signage as visuals. But other elements cross the path of this subjective walk (phrases like “hate breeds hate” or “vote, idiot” shown in graffitis) that place us in other political and social spheres.

LUIS CERVERÓ Love/Rock & Roll

2 min 40 sek, 2005

Love/Rock & Roll, one of the works in the triology Love, Death and Rock & Roll, creates its own sentimental map from bits of music and emblematic images from pop culture (ranging from Bob Dylan to models photographed by Richardson) that, cut out and re-combined, seem to come alive.

DANIEL CUBERTA The invisible man (El hombre invisible)

10 min 30 sek, 2004

The off stage voice brings us closer to Daniel Cuberta’s experiences of The invisible man, a metaphor for the individual that sees but can not be seen, who is as unusual as impotent a witness to the facts, history and culture of his own biography.

JOSU REKALDE Counting with the Fingers in one Hand (Contando con los dedos de una mano)

8 min 30 sek, 1996

This video is based on the potential of a story in constant construction. It emphasizes the power of the word above that of the image, and shows several facts related to Spain´s most recent history, using fixed distance and the artist´s own hands to narrate, without showing concrete images.


15 min, 2008

Esquivias refers to the history of Spain and does so from a very personal narrative that relates facts and characters distant in time in an absolutely subjective way. In Folklore II, the artist draws the similarities between King Philip II (1527-1598) and the singer Julio Iglesias, as representatives of global empires that are distant in time, but amazingly parallel.

ANTONIO ORTEGA Determination of a Character (Determinación de personaje)

5 min 45 sek, 2000

In this video, Ortega makes direct reference to a historical fact, to Velázquez´s painting The surrender of Breda, but he does so from an unprecedented perspective in order to center attention on other aspects. The monologue, taken from the comedians Faemino and Cansado, aluudes to creation, its dependence on power, and includes other references to Spanish culture.

MANUEL SAIZ Social Sculptures

9 min 20 sek, 2005

Joseph Beuys’ famous line “everyone can be an artist” is the starting point for this multidirectional reformulation. Three actors repeat and give different versions of this declaration of principles in different situations and with different intentions.

ALICIA FRAMIS Secret Strike. Inditex

14 min, 2006

Framis explores interpersonal relationships in the work enviroment. In this case she uses Inditex, the Galician empire of fashion. She proposes the carrying out of a minimal action (stopping all activity during several minutes) that can hypothetically have an enormous impact (reduction in the production indexes of the businesses).

DORA GARCÍA All the Stories

11 min 5 sek, 2001

This video documents the performance of a narrator willing to recite “all the stories of the world”. For the recording she selected 40 stories of the 3000 that she had gathered up until then (and which continue to grow on the internet). The video, far from being a closed work, is resonant with the essence of an unfinished, open project.