I samarbete med ljudtidskriften SRc presenterar Galleri Box ett specialgjort verk av den irländska tonsättaren Fergal Dowling: “Simulated immersive audio environments have traditionally concentrated on the use of multiple loudspeakers in various arrays, and often employed in special diffusion systems. In the Mean Time, although purely musical in form, creates an immersive aural phenomenon through the constructive and destructive interference of sound waves generated between the two stereo channels. The phenomenon results in a ‘counterpoint’ for two audio channels and can be best apprecialted by a listener situated between the two loudspeakers. There is also an actual tonal musical counterpoint, but in this case it is almost imperceptible as it occurs in between time ranges, in the temporal range that lies between rhythm and pitch.”
För ytterligare information om SRc, se www.sr.se/src.